Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Move Haters out the Way
"There's one thing worse than a liar and a thief, and that's a hater. You see - a liar will lie to you, and a thief will steal from you, but a hater will do all of the above and then some..."- Libra! (1973 - )

So many times people who are close to us are the ones who don't want to see us succeed. As long as you're down in the gutter, they are cheering you on. When you start living your dreams, they want to become supercritical and sprinkle doubt in your mind and hate on your dreams.

For example, I am going to use being a writer as an example. You may have been writing for years and you FINALLY get your first book published. The first time out, you self publish. What does the hater say? "It's not like you're with a real publisher." Your books are at all major book stores. What does the hater say? "Is your book in Wal-mart?" As if Wal-mart is the only place that sells books and if it's not there, well you get the point. Okay, so you get the book deal with what folks may say is a "real publisher." What does the hater say? "I thought you were with a real publisher now, so why are you still working?" News flash, some writers still have to work to make ends meet even with a book deal. There's more. Now your book is in Wal-mart. Let me remind you, books at Wal-mart are discounted. What does the hater say? "It's about time I saw your book at Wal-mart. Can I get a free autographed copy?" Free, not no, but "h-e-double hockey sticks" no.

I could go on and on with examples on various situations in life, but I won't. Life is too short for dealing with haters. If there's some in your way, move them out of the way. Stop answering your phone when they call. If you see them walking down the street, back up, turn around, do what you have to do and go the other way. What if the haters are people you know online? Have you heard of the delete button? You don't have to go back and forth with the hater in email or a message board, just delete the message. "What if the person lives with you?" Tough one, but do like most kids do, have selective hearing? Learn how to tune them out.

Continue to work towards your dreams and don't allow anybody to rain hate on your parade. This is your world and they can either get with the program or move out of the way.


Blogger Peggy said...

Nice one! So true!

Blogger Cherlyn Michaels said...

Wow! Have you hung around some of the people I hung around in the past?! LOL Yeah, no matter what industry you're in or what dream you're pursuing, they're always out there. The key to your success is to not give them any of your energy, but instead to define success for yourself and to focus 100% of your energy in achieving your goal. Now, there is not one person I trip off of. As a matter of fact, when I see or detect hateration, I sit back, laugh at it, then keep it moving.

Blogger urban magnolia said...

I hear you 100%!!! Since I've been trying to run my own business I've received so many negative comments from people I regarded as friends, this is my first time reading your blog and I love it! Thanks for saying what I couldn't say..

Blogger Michelle McGriff said...

Thanks Shelia,
You know how I feel about the folks walking around with the pins in hand hoping to bust your dream bubbles...it's enough to make you want to tell them to SIT ON IT.
Love ya lots.
Michelle McGriff

Blogger princessdominique said...

Tell it Shelia. Its even more crazy when authors do it to other authors. They know how hard it is to succeed so to me not encouraging and wanting to support each other is crazy.

Blogger Shelia said...

Unfortunately so Peggy.

LOL Cherlyn. They must hang in bunches. You're so right. I distance myself from them and continue to work towards achieving my goals.

Urban Magnolia, thanks for stopping by. When people close to us don't support us, it hurts, but I've learned to use that fuel to keep on keeping on. P.S. - Congrats on your business.

Michelle, I feel a spring sweep coming as I step to the right :)

Michelle McGriff...sho you right :)

Princessdominique, we have to encourage one another because those that aren't in this field don't always understand us.

Blogger MsJayy said...

Shake 'em off. Somebody somewhere is always gonna have something to say. I sidestep them and their nonsense as much as I can which can be quite a workout cause they are EVERYWHERE!! LOL

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post. There are a lot of people that needed to read this . . . especially the haters.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is DITTO!!! I've learned to only share my dreams with basically two people and that's it. It’s sad to say that none of these are even blood relatives. I'll just wait until my first book is published to hear them say, "I didn't know you were writing a book." Of course I know there will still be some hating. It just drives me to strive harder.

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